Have you ever experienced a feeling in your stomach that turns into anxiety? If you have your not alone.
It starts with a though..
A thought can turn into emotions of all types. What’s important is that we gain some control over them, because if we don’t, they will control us.
We should never let our minds control us, we are after all the only one that should be making the decisions.
Anxiety can stop you making the right decisions, and so can completely wreck havoc with your life. Making good decisions is what sets the winners from the losers, if you want to win you have to get back control.
How to deal with fear
The best way to control anxiety is through meditation techniques, and using noting.
Noting is taking notice of a thought before it becomes more, this may sound simple, but it is very effective.
Studies have shown that through the use of noting, anxiety levels can drop by 50% . That can be life changing for some people.
How does it work?
People have thoughts all the time, if they give these thoughts enough attention they can grow. The more you allow them to grow the more likely they will create emotions.
It’s clear we can’t eradicate anxiety altogether and every ones experience is different, where some people feel a deep emotion, others barely notice it.
By controlling what you think about, you in effect control what you feel.
Like everything you have to practise, and the best way to do that is through meditation, it’s your brain training time.