How to live a fearless life
You can probably think of a time where you wanted to do something but something inside was stopping you from taking action.
The feeling of standing in front of a brick wall of fear can be demoralising and frustrating for everyone involved, for yourself when you know what you have to do but just can’t find a way, to the other people around you who want to see you succeed but instead watch you fail.
Fear is a destroyer of dreams and one of the main reasons why some people can find their full potential in life where others stay stationary.
Fear can create an invisible box that you don’t know is there until you try and step out of it, where you suddenly feel doubt and procrastination. You may then decide to stay within the safety of the box you already know.
Fear manifests itself in several ways, through the decisions which shape your life. To the way you feel about yourself and others. This is why conquering your fear is the only way to live without it.
Like a chain around your neck, choking you and controlling your life, until you find the strength to break that chain, you will never be free.
To live without fear means you have to first understand it. To understand yourself.
Fear can stop you from trusting others, and even from trusting yourself.
5 ways to live a life without fear
Create a fear pyramid
Start with your small fears and place them at the bottom of the pyramid, these can be things like being scared of phoning your boss. As your progress up the pyramid, the fears should become more serious until at the top should be your ultimate fear.
Once you have your pyramid, it’s time to take action and build momentum. Slowly tackling your pyramid one level at a time.
It may be that when you reach the top of your pyramid, you will find a new one to fill, but this is the development and by repeating this process you will become a fearless machine.
Many of your fears are irrational, and to make it worse you probably find yourself chasing thoughts that create negative emotions which then grow into monstrous uncontrollable fears. Meditation will teach you to observe thoughts without chasing them and to act without letting fear overcome you.
Look at the evidence
Evaluating our fears based on evidence allows us to understand the real danger that exists rather than what our brain has emotionally created. For example, if you are scared of heights and find yourself on the top level of a building, ask yourself, what are the chances I’m going to fall through a window.
Let go of perfection
If you find yourself continuously driven to find perfection, it’s time to change your perspective. When something is good enough you have to learn to let go and take a risk. Life is messy, and accepting that will help you get more sh** done.
Focus on sleep
There are many things you can focus on which will make you feel better. Exercise and diet are important but improving your sleep will make an immediate impact. You should aim for a minimum of eight hours each night to get the best out of yourself every day.